Published Date: 18 Apr 2005
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education - Europe
Format: Paperback
ISBN10: 0076039889
ISBN13: 9780076039883
Imprint: MCGRAW-HILL Professional
Dimension: 165.1x 243.84x 7.62mm::125g
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There is one book per skill per grade tailored for each individual reading level. SRA Specific Skill Series for Reading Level F Set 2006 Edition Skills Starter using the context, locating the answer, getting the facts, getting the main idea, Comprehension skill questions vary, such as point of view, main idea, using source material, reading for appreciation, inference, finding specific facts, following directions, etc. - as well as Drawing Conclusions, Book F (Specific Skills Series). Sorry, the book that you are looking for is not available right now. The sixth edition of Specific Skills Series for Reading maintains the quality and focus Getting the Main Idea Getting the Main Idea is designed to assist students in grasping With Finish Line Comprehension Skills, you can teach eight key reading skills one at a time. Skill-specific books are available for grades 3 8. Learn more. standards-based reading skills and monitor progress with pretest, benchmark, and post test. 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